How to Download the Admit Card for University Exam 2012
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
MDU Rohtak Admit Card
Sunday, 27 May 2012
RSRTC Admit Card
Driver, Conductor & Artisan Grade-II &III Admit Card : Exam on 09 September 2012
Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation has invited the application for filling up various Group C Posts. These vacancy includes the posts of Driver, Conductor & Artisan Grade-II & III. Selection for these posts will be made on the basis of written test. Written Test is tentatively scheduled to be held on 09 September 2012 at Zonal Office of Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Rajasthan Panchayat 3rd Grade Teacher Recruitment Admit Card
Rajasthan Government had advertised for recruitment to 41000 posts of 3rd Grade Teachers in the month of February 2012. Exam is scheduled to be held in two session on 02 June 2012. Morning session exam will be held on from 09-11 AM while the Evening session exam will be held from 03-05PM. Only those candidates who have qualified in the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test will be eligible to appear in the exam.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
SBI Clerical Recruitment 2012 - 8500 Clerks & 1000 Stenographers
Recruitment for 9500 Clerical & Stenographer Posts in SBI : Admit Card for Written Exam
State Bank of India (SBI) has invited the application for recruitment to the posts of Stenographers & Assistants in Clerical Cadres. It has advertised for filling up 8500 posts of Assistants & 1000 posts of Stenographers. These posts also includes the previously advertised 3100 posts dated 27 December 2012. Now written test scheduled for conducting the written test on 18 March 2012 has been revised and not it will be held on 27 May 2012 and 03 June 2012. Those who had applied earlier against the posts of Clerks need not apply now. But if anybody who had applied earlier for the posts of Clerk but wish to apply for the post of Stenographer they can apply now. Those who are looking for the career opportunities in banking sector they can apply against the current vacant posts advertised by State Bank of India. If you wish to start you career in largest public sector bank of India then you can apply against the current vacant posts of Assistant & Stenographer. Candidates desirous of applying against these clerical cadre posts can download the advertisement details and instructions and apply online.
SSC Sub Inspector & ASI in CAPF Admit Card
Staff Selection Commission is holding an examination across the country for recruitment to the posts of Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) in Central Armed Forces Police i.e. BSF, CRPF, ITBP, CISF, SSB. Those who had applied against the posts of SI & ASI advertised by the commission in the month of February 2012, their admit card has been uploaded on the website. Interested candidates can download the admit card by visiting the official website of SSC.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
CEPTAM-05 Admit Card
Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM) under Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence had advertised for filling up 606 posts of Senior Technical Assistant, Technician 'A', Administrative Assistant 'A' and Civilian Drivers. A detailed advertisement was carried in the Employment News & Rozgar Samachar dated 10 March 2012. Now, 33 more vacancies have been added to the earlier advertised posts. Details of break up of vacancy, including the newly added posts is available on the website and same can be downloaded. DRDO issued a corrigendum to this effect, which can be read from the website.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank Admit Card
Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank is conducting the written test for recruitment to the posts of Officers in Scale-I, II & III. KGSGB had invited the application for recruitment to these posts in the month of March 2012. Bank will recruit 108 candidates for appointment to Scale-I, II & III in General Banking Officer Cadre and Specialist Officer cadre. Those who had applied against these posts they can download the call letter for written test.
JNU Admit Card
JNU Entrance Test 2012 Admit Card
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is conducting the entrance examination for admission to various courses. Those who applied for appearing in the entrance test they now can download the hall ticket for exam by visiting the website. Details regarding the admission fee, schedule, availability of hall ticket online, conducting the test, declaration of results etc. is given in the prospectus.
PECET Hall Ticket Download
PECET 2012 Hall Ticket
Physical Education Common Entrance Test (PECET) is conducted in Andhra Pradesh for admission to Physical Education courses in colleges. This year, test is being conducted by Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU). All eligible candidates have been sent information for downloading the hall ticket via SMS.
ICET Hall Ticket
ICET 2012 Hall Ticket
Integrated Common Entrance Test is conducted by Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE). ICET is conducted for admission to Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Computer Application (MCA). This year ICET is conducted by Kakatiya Univerity Warangal.
Andhra Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test (APTET) 2012 Hall Ticket Download
Hall Ticke for APTET 2012 on 31 May 2012
Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) 2011 is being held on 31 May 2012. Lakhs candidates have applied for APTET Paper-I and Paper-II. Teacher Eligibility Test is compulsory for appointment of candidates as teacher for primary, middle and sr. secondary class. Paper-I is for class I-V and Paper-II for VI-VII class teacher.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
TN Health Hall Ticket
Hall Ticket for 2012 - 2013
Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu has announced the examination schedule and uploaded the hall tickets for various examination. Those studying in UG & PG courses in Medical & Para Medical Courses they can download the hall ticket from the official website of TN Health Department. Hall Ticket for following Post Graduate courses has been made available on the website.
UPPSC Admit Card Download
Civil Judge Junior Division Admit Card
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is conducting the written test for recruitment to the posts of Civil Judge (Jr. Division) in state of Uttar Pradesh. Those who had applied against the UP Judicial Service Examination to be held by UPPSC they now can download the admit card for written test. Preliminary Examination for recruitment to UP Judicial Service will be held on 13 May 2012. Those who are looking for the call letter for written test they can visit the commission's website and download it from there. To download and print your hall ticket, you need to enter your roll number. If you do not remember your form number then you can search it by your name.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Admit Card
Diploma Trainee &Technician Trainee Admit Card
HAL is conducting the written test for recruitment to the posts of Diploma Trainee (DT), Technician Trainee (TT) and W&W Guards. These posts will be filled at HAL TAD Kanpur. Candidates who had applied against these posts of Trainee and Guards they now can download the call letter for written test. Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Watch & Ward Guard has been sent the hard copy of admit card. Call Letter for written test for the posts of Diploma Trainee & Technician Trainee have been uploaded on the website. Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Diploma & Technician Trainee can download the call letter by visiting the official website of HAL.
Bhaskar Genius Scholarship Examination 2012
Bhaskar Genius Exam Admit Card 2012
Dainik Bhaskar Group has announced for the scholarship examination 2012. This scholarship programme is known as Bhaskar Genius Scholarship Examination 2012. It offers opportunity to students studying in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Chandigarh, Haryana, Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra & Jharkhand.
Students studying in Class IV to Class XII as on 31 January 2012 can apply against these posts. There are several prizes for each class and scholarship worth 1.25 Crore is to be awarded to students participating in the scholarship examination. Prizes to be awarded for each class for First, 2nd & 3rd is six for each class while consolation prize is 90 for each class.
Dainik Bhaskar Group has announced for the scholarship examination 2012. This scholarship programme is known as Bhaskar Genius Scholarship Examination 2012. It offers opportunity to students studying in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Chandigarh, Haryana, Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra & Jharkhand.
Students studying in Class IV to Class XII as on 31 January 2012 can apply against these posts. There are several prizes for each class and scholarship worth 1.25 Crore is to be awarded to students participating in the scholarship examination. Prizes to be awarded for each class for First, 2nd & 3rd is six for each class while consolation prize is 90 for each class.
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Haryana Polytechnic DET Admit Card
DET - 2012 Admit Card Download
Haryana Polytechnic Entrance examination is scheduled in the month of May 2012 for the admission. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming DET written examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for DET are to be downloaded from the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the HSCS Admit card website page.
Candidates seeking further information regarding the exam, selection, seat allotment etc. they can visit the official website or contact the HSCS. For for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues can read the instructions given in the brochure in this regard for admission to courses in Polytechnic College affiliated under Department of Technical Education, Government of Haryana.
Haryana Polytechnic Diploma Entrance Test (DET) 2012 is scheduled to be held on 06 May 2012 for admission to First Year course while on 13 May 2012 DET Lateral Entry entrance exam will be conducted by the Haryana State Counselling Society. Those who have applied for the Diploma Entrance Test they can download the admit card for entrance test from the official website.
DET Admit Card :
Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of performance in the entrance test and preference. Online counselling for allotment of seat will will be held and candidates will have to submit the details online on the HSCS website. Results will be declared as per schedule and it will be published online. Process of online counselling and seat allotment will start after the declaration of DET 2012 results.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
AP Model School Hall Ticket
Commissioner & Director of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh had advertised for recruitment to the posts of Principal, TGT & PGT. These posts were advertised in the month of February 2012. Those who had applied against these posts their written test will be conducted by Directorate of School Education, AP. Written Test is scheduled to be held on 10 & 11 May 2012. Those who had applied against the posts advertised for appointment in AP Model School they can download the admit card.
Punjab Gramin Bank Duplicate Admit Card
How to Download the Duplicate Admit Card / Call Letter for Written Exam for May 2012
Punjab Gramin Bank is a RRB with its functioning area as different districts of the Punjab. PGBHO is also having its branches in various districts of Punjab like Amritsar, Mohali, Moga, Hoshiarpur, Ropar, Ferozepur etc.
Punjab Gramin Bank is looking for suitable candidates for various vacancies in the bank for officers and clerical cadre. Written examinations for the recruitment of Officer Scale I and Office Assistant have been scheduled on 13th June and 20th May 2012.
Ferozpur, Jalandhar and Amritsar are the examination centre for the upcoming written examination by Punjab Gramin Bank. Call Letter have been sent to Eligible candidates for the examinations.
Those who have missed, lost, not received or damaged admit card/ hall ticket can get the duplicate admit card from the official website of Punjab Gramin Bank just few days before the examinations.
DSSSB Admit Card Download
How to Download Admit Card for DSSSB Examination to be held in 2012
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board is conducting the written test for various posts. Admit card for these posts are either issued by the board in person or they are uploaded on the website of board. Those who had applied against various posts advertised by the DSSSB they can check the schedule of examination and information regarding the issuance of duplicate admit card. Here is a list of examination to be held in due course of time and candidates can read the information pertaining to admit card from the official website of DSSSB. List of examination to be held in 2012 is as given below.
- TGT (Urdu/Social Science)
- Assistant Primary Teacher
- Patwari
- Assistant Teacher Primary
- Matron (Female) Prison
- Warden (Male) Prison
- Assistant Superintendent (Prison)
Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) 2012
OJEE 2012 for Admission to UG/PC Courses in Orissa
Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) Cell 2012 is conducting the entrance examination for admission to first year courses in various courses in the field of Engineering, Medical Science, Pharmacy, Management, Technology, Architecture etc. Those who are seeking the admission in the state of Orissa for admission to the following courses they can appear in the OJEE 2012. Those who wish to join the following UG & PG courses they can apply for the Joint Entrance Examination Odisha - 2012.
Admit Card for OJEE 2012 has been dispatched by Speed Post to all eligible candidates. If any candidates does not receive the admit card then such candidates can download the admit card from the official website of Odisha JEE.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
SOL DU B.A. & B.Com 2012 Hall Ticket Download
How to Download the Admit Card for SOL DU B.A. /B.Com/MA/M.Com
School of Open Learning (SOL) functioning is under Delhi University. It offers various Under Graduate & Post Graduate Course and conducts various examination for these courses in the month of June. Admit Card for appearing in the B.A., B.Com & MA examination uploaded on the official website prior to commencement of Examination. Those who have applied for Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Commerce courses they can download the hall ticket as per the schedule given below for appearing in the June 2012 Examination.
Availability of Admit Card / Hall Ticket on website Those who are due to appear in the Examination to be held by the School of Open Learning, University of Delhi they can download the admit card and date sheet by visiting the website link given below.
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