Saturday, 5 May 2012

Haryana Polytechnic DET Admit Card

DET - 2012 Admit Card Download

Haryana Polytechnic Entrance examination is scheduled in the month of May 2012 for the admission. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming DET written examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for DET are to be downloaded from the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the HSCS Admit card website page.

Candidates seeking further information regarding the exam, selection, seat allotment etc. they  can visit the official website or contact the HSCS. For for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues can read the instructions given in the brochure in this regard for admission to courses in Polytechnic College affiliated under Department of Technical Education, Government of Haryana.

Haryana Polytechnic Diploma Entrance Test (DET) 2012 is scheduled to be held on 06 May 2012 for admission to First Year course while on 13 May 2012 DET Lateral Entry entrance exam will be conducted by the Haryana State Counselling Society. Those who have applied for the Diploma Entrance Test they can download the admit card for entrance test from the official website. 

DET Admit Card :

Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of performance in the entrance test and preference. Online counselling for allotment of seat will will be held and candidates will have to submit the details online on the HSCS website. Results will be declared as per schedule and it will be published online. Process of online counselling and seat allotment will start after the declaration of DET 2012 results.