Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Bhaskar Genius Scholarship Examination 2012

Bhaskar Genius Exam Admit Card 2012 

Dainik Bhaskar Group has announced for the scholarship examination 2012. This scholarship programme is known as Bhaskar Genius Scholarship Examination 2012. It offers opportunity to students studying in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Chandigarh, Haryana, Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra & Jharkhand.

Students studying in Class IV to Class XII as on 31 January 2012 can apply against these posts. There are several prizes for each class and scholarship worth 1.25 Crore is to be awarded to students participating in the scholarship examination. Prizes to be awarded for each class for First, 2nd & 3rd is six for each class while consolation prize is 90 for each class.

Prize money vary from Rs. 101000 to Rs. 3301/- . Besides this there is a Prize worth Rs. 5 lakh for girl students in each state cluster and various surprise gifts for meritorious students.

Students studying in class IV to Class XII in the above mentioned states can apply for the Bhaskar Genius Scholarship Programme 2012. Application can be submitted online as well as offline. Online Application can be submitted by visiting the official website of Bhaskar Genius from 14 January 2012 to 28 February 2012. While Offline application can be submitted up to 21 February 2012. Offline application will be available from 23 January 2012. Those applying online can submit the requisite fee as mentioned on the website by Debit or Credit Card.

Bhaskar Scholarship Examination 2012 is scheduled to be held in April - May 2012 and results of the examination will be declared in the month of June / July 2012. Prize distribution ceremony will be held in July / August 2012.

Bhaskar Gourp will conduct the scholarship examination on 20 May 2012. Candidates from 10 states will participate in this scholarship exam. Prize worth 1.25 Crore Rupees will be distributed to selected candidates. Admit Card for examination will be available on the official website from 12 May 2012. Interested candidates can download the admit card by visiting the Bhaskar Genius official website.

Website : www.bhaskargenius.org

Candidates desirous of applying against the above scholarship programme can apply online or offline. For detailed information and instruction you must read the instruction available on the website.


  1. DEEPENDRA BATHAM17 January 2012 at 14:16


  2. Its really a good programme there is to much competition for children and parents but rewards are less.
    It will provide a nice opportunity for them

  3. my name rahul sharma.I read in 12th sci and i leave in jaipur

  4. kaushalendra joshi27 March 2012 at 20:28

    Absolutely nice opportunity for children & parents and also future educational high tech

  5. are admit cards available now??????
