Wednesday, 9 May 2012

UPPSC Admit Card Download

Civil Judge Junior Division Admit Card 

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is conducting the written test for recruitment to the posts of Civil Judge (Jr. Division) in state of Uttar Pradesh. Those who had applied against the UP Judicial Service Examination to be held by UPPSC they now can download the admit card for written test. Preliminary Examination for recruitment to UP Judicial Service will be held on 13 May 2012. Those who are looking for the call letter for written test they can visit the commission's website and download it from there. To download and print your hall ticket, you need to enter your roll number. If you do not remember your form number then you can search it by your name.

UP Judicial Service Preliminary Exam 2012 Admit Card : Download

 Admit Card for Combined Lower Subordinate Service Preliminary Exam

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) Allahabad has dispatched the admit card to all eligible candidates who had applied for the UP Combined Lower Subordinate Service exam.

Those who qualified in the Preliminary Examination will have to appear in the Mains examination to be held by UPPSC Allahabad. Mains Examination is scheduled to be held from 15 January 2012 to 28 January 2012. Admit Card for the mains examination have been dispatched to all eligible candidates.  If any candidate has not received the admit card then duplicate admit card can be downloaded from the official website of commission.

UPPSC Admit Card :

Candidates desirous of downloading the admit card for written examination can download by visiting the website link given above. Duplicate Admit Card will remain on the website till 28 January 2012.

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