Tuesday, 29 May 2012

MDU Rohtak Admit Card

How to Download the Admit Card for University Exam 2012

Maharishi Dayanand University located at Rohtak is one of the oldest university Haryana State. Hundreds of colleges are affiliated to it. University has recently started uploading the admit card for university academic examination as well a recruitment examination. Thus students studying at the university can download the roll number slip to appear in the exam. Admit Card to applicants who apply for the jobs at university are also issued online. You can visit the link given below to download the roll no. slip & admit card.

UCG NET Admit Card : Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak has announced that admit card for appearing in the UGC NET Examination to be held on 26 June 2011 have been dispatched to all eligible candidates. In case any candidates who have applied for UGC NET examination centre as MDU Rohtak they can approach the Assistant Registrar, Revaluation Branch for duplicate admit card. Duplicate admit card will be issued from 21 June 2011 to 24 June 2011 on production of following documents.

1. Photocopy of Application Form
2. Two Attested Photograph

Admit Card for Exam : 2012

Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak has uploaded the admit card for appearing in the examination to be held for various Under Graduate & Post Graduate Courses. Those who are looking for the admit card they can visit the official website of MDU. Some of the latest admit card uploaded on the website are for the following courses.

  • MBA
  • MCA
  • B.P.Ed.
  • CPEd
  • Post Graduate Courses
  • B.E./B.Tech.
  • B.Pharmacy
  • OT/MIL

Admit Card : Download
Website : www.mdurohtak.ac.in


  1. Roll NO. Slips link not working??

    what happened. do you have any updates??

  2. sir

    I want to know about net exam.

  3. Dear Sir
    There are Admit card site not working can you provide all information regarding exam on my mail

  4. dear sir my name is ajay and my father name is sh. narayan singh i am student ba final from vaish college bhiwani my reg. no . 08-vb-1445 i have re-apear in english but i have not meet my exam admit card site is show my admit card but my admit card file is not open please provide my admit card my email id because i have only 2days left my contact no 9671483648
