Friday, 13 January 2012

RPSC Online Admit Card

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) Ajmer had invited the application for recruitment to the posts of Stenographer. It has advertised for filling up 610 posts of Stenographer. These posts are to be filled in the Government Secretariat and RPSC Ajmer.

For selection of candidates for the post of Stenographer, RPSC Ajmer is conducting Stenographer Combined Competitive Examination 2011. This examination is scheduled to be held in the month of January 2012. Those who had applied against the posts of Stenographer they now can download the admit card for written test.

Stenographer Admit Card :

Admit Card (Hall Ticket) can be downloaded by visiting the link given above. After clicking the link above enter the application number, select the date of birth and select the name of examination i.e. Stenographer Competitive Examination 2011.

Those who qualify in the written test they will be called for the skill test. Skill Test is scheduled to be held in the month of March 2012.

1 comment:


    Your Application for Examination STENOGRAPHER COMPETITIVE EXAM 2011 and Post STENOGRAPHER is being received and recorded for official Use.
    Your Application ID is STENOGRAPHER COMPETITIVE EXAM 2011 70011207078. steno112700991000190670011207078. STENOGRAPHER COMPETITIVE EXAM 2011 STENOGRAPHER COMPETITIVE EXAM 2011 steno70011207078. STENOGRAPHER COMPETITIVE EXAM 2011 70011207078. steno1127009910001906
    Your filled Form is attached here with the email. Save it for further reference.

    my roll no.
