Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank Admit Card Download

How to Download Call Letter for Office Assistant

Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank is a Regional Rural Bank with its headquarter located at Rewa in Madhya Pradesh. It provides the banking services in the rural areas in and around Rewa district in M.P.

The bank had recently advertised for filling up the posts of Office Assistant (Multipurpose). Recruitment to the posts of Office Assistant in Clerical Cadre is made on the basis of written test and interview.

Now as a part of recruitment process for the post of Office Assistant a written test is being held on 29 January 2012. Those who had applied for the post of Office Assistant and opted for the Pre Exam Training they now can download the call letter for the pre exam training provided by the bank. Call Letter for written test will be uploaded soon. Candidates looking for the call letter can visit the link given below.

How to Download the Call Letter for Officer Written Test 

Officer Scale - I, II & III :  Written Test  Date Changed to 19 February

Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank has changed the examination schedule for the post of Officer Scale-I, II & III. Written test for these posts was to be held on 05 February 2012. Now it will be held on 19 February 2012. Written Test for Scale-I Officers recruitment will be held in morning session while for the Scale-II & III it will be held in the afternoon session.

Pre-Exam Training Call Letter for the officer scale posts is available for download from the bank website. Admit Card / Hall Ticket for written examination will be made available shortly on the official website. To download the call letter for Pre-Exam Training and Written Exam you can follow the link given below.

Call Letter : www.rsgbrewa.com/recruitment.htm

By visiting the link given above you can download the call letter for pre exam training. Written Test call letter will be uploaded soon on the official website of Rewa Siddhi Gramin Bank.


  1. rahul shrivastav17 January 2012 at 17:05


  2. error
    date of not match
    mera admit card nhi nikal raha hai

  3. saraswati sharma19 January 2012 at 19:44

    office assistant ka admit card nai nikal raha hai

  4. admit card nahi mil raha hai

  5. invailed loggin bata rha h

  6. please send my admit card my mail id.do not download my admit card.reg.no.31378 and rol no.1103052449.
