Friday, 16 March 2012

Punjab State Transport Society Admit Card Download

Admit Card for Data Entry Operator, Project Coordinator, Assistant Manager & Accountant

Punjab State Transport Society (PSTS) under Government of Punjab had invited the application for recruitment to the posts of Data Entry Operator (DEO), Assistant Manager, Project Coordinator & Accountant posts. Written Test for recruitment to these posts is being held by PSTC on 25 March 2012.

Those who had applied against these posts they can download the admit card for appearing in the written test. Fee confirmation list of candidates who had applied for these posts is available on the CDAC Mohali Recruitment website. If a candidates does not find name in the list then he/ she can contact personally or make request through Fax on 0172 - 6619003 with proof of fee deposit on or before 22 March 2012.

PSTS Admit Card

Website :

Admit Card for Recruitment Examination can be downloaded by visiting the official website link given above and entering the Registration number and password.

1 comment:

  1. Plz tel me what is the qaulification for project cordinator plz send me the detailed advrtisement on my email id
