Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Intelligence Bureau Security Assistant (Executive) Admit Card Download

Intelligence Bureau (IB) under Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India had invited for recruitment to the posts of Security Assistant (Executive). IB is filling up 410 posts of Security Assistant (Executive) in Pay Scale of Rs. 5200 - 20200/-. Those who had applied for the posts of SA (Exe) they can download the admit card from the Ministry of Home Affair website.

Written Test for recruitment to the posts of Security Assistant (Executive) is being held on 01 April 2012. Written Examination for the post of Security Assistant (Executive) in Chandigarh will be held later. Date of written test for Chandigarh centres will be notified later.

MHA Security Assistant (Exe) Admit Card Download : http://eapplicationmha.in/admitlogin.asp

Candidates who wants to download the call letter for SA(Exe) they can download the admit card by entering the Registration Number and Date of Birth by visiting the link given above.


  1. please tell me when admit card for post of sa examination centre chandigarh in mha can be downloaded

  2. Sir, do i need a call letter from you to appear for the exam of sa/exe. rply soon

  3. admit card status

  4. for admitcard

  5. santosh6322@gmail.com
