Sunday, 18 March 2012

ESIC Karnataka Hall Ticket

UDC Written Test Admit Card

Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Karnataka is conducting the written test for recruitment to the posts of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) in Karnataka region. Candidates who had applied against the vacancy of UDC advertised by ESIC Karnataka regional office they now can download their hall ticket / admit card for written exam. Written Examination is scheduled to be held on 01 April 2012.

Admit Card for recruitment to the posts of UDC can be downloaded by entering the Application ID after visiting the admit card download web page on the official website. Candidates appearing in the written test can also download the instructions for appearing in the written test and must abide by them.

ESIC Karnataka Admit Card : Download

Website :

Candidates appearing in exam must carry along with them blue/black ball pen for marking the OMR answer sheet. Candidates are advised to report the examination centre at least half an hour before the commencement of exam. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall 15 minutes after the commencement of exam.

1 comment:

  1. how to download call letter for written exam for the post of constable (GD) in BSF
