Sunday, 18 March 2012

HPSC Admit Card

HCS 2012 Preliminary Exam Admit Card

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Panchkula is conducting the written test for recruitment to the posts of HCS, HPS & Class A & B services through Haryana Civil Service examination 2012. Those who had applied against the posts of HCS & Allied Services 2012 their admit card is being dispatched by the commission.

If any candidate does not receive the admit card then in such case duplicate admit card can be obtained from the office of HPSC Panchkula during working hours from 19 - 22 March 2012. HCS 2012 Preliminary Examination is scheduled to be held at various cities in Haryana state on 25 March 2012. Candidates while approaching the HPSC office for issuance of duplicate admit card must carry along with them proof of depositing the fee, application number or acknowledgement, ID Proof and Passport Photograph. Detailed information in this regard can be read from the official website of HPSC Panchkula.

HPSC Website :

Interested and eligible candidates if do not receive the admit card by 18 March 2012 can contact the HPSC office for duplicate admit card on the dates mentioned above. No duplicate admit card will be issued by the commission after 22 March 2012.


  1. Priyanka aggarwal24 March 2012 at 17:25

    Want to know Roll no of priyanka aggarwal for the HPSC exam held on 25 march 2012

  2. Priyanka aggarwal24 March 2012 at 17:30

    Want to know Roll no for the HPSC exam held on 25 march 2012

  3. is this priyanka aggarwal who studied in BGCL, sangrur?? if yes, please drop me one message here
    I am Ritika, Your classmate
