Sunday, 26 February 2012

EAMCET 2012 : Online Registration, Hall Ticket

EAMCET for Admission to UG Courses in Engineering, Medical, Agriculture Colleges

EAMCET is conducted every in state of Andhra Pradesh for admission to Under Graduate (UG) Course admission. Candidates aspiring to study in the field of Medical Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Architecture and Agriculture Sciences are required to take this test. EAMCET stands for Engineering, Agriculture & Medical Common Entrance Test. If you are looking for admission in state of Andhra Pradesh in above said courses then you are required to take this test. If you wish to any of the following course in AP then you need to take the APEAMCET.

  • B.E.

  • B.Tech

  • B. Pharmacy

  • MBBS

  • BDS

  • BSc (Ag)

  • BAMS

  • BNYS

  • BHMS

  • Pharm. D

  • B.Sc. (Horticulture)

  • BFSc

  • BVSc & AH


Candidates who wish to appear in the APEAMCET 2012 must be domicile of Andhra Pradesh and should have passed the Intermediate Examination with Mathematics, Physical along with Biology/ Chemistry/ Biotechnology as an optional subject with at least 45% marks (40%) for Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy disciplines. Details of combination of subjects for eligibility to appear in the entrance examination for MBBS, BDS, BSc (Ag), B.Tech (Food Science), BFSc. etc can be read from the advertisement notification for APEAMCET 2012. There is no upper age limit but candidates must be of at least 16 years for some of the courses while for other it is 17 Years.

How to Apply : Online Registration

Those who wish to take the EAMCET 2012 they must register online by visiting the official website. Application form for entrance test is to be submitted online only. Therefore candidates can apply online without any late fee up to 30 March 2012. However online registration can be done after this date also but a late fee will be charged. With late fee starting from Rs. 500 to Rs. 10000/- the online registration can be done from 31 March to 09 May 2012. Online Registration is to be done at the official website i.e.

Hall Ticket & Examination Schedule

JNTU Hyderabad is conducting this examination on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE). Hall Ticket for appearing in the entrance test will be made available on the official website by JNTU Hyderabad. Those who are applying for the EAMCET 2012 they would be able to download the hall ticket from 26 April 2012. Examination is scheduled to be held on 12 May 2012. Admission Test for Engineering Courses will be held in the morning session from 10 AM to 1 PM while for Agriculture and Medical courses it will be held in the afternoon session from 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM.

Examination Fee

Candidates appearing in the entrance test are required to pay fee. Fee for one test i.e. either Engineering or Agriculture & Medical is Rs. 250. If any candidate wish to appear in both the test then a fee of Rs. 500 is to be paid.

How to Make Online Registration for EAMCET 2012

Those who wants to apply for the entrance test for Engineering, Medical & Agriculture courses they must apply online. Candidates before applying must refer the minimum system requirement for smooth registration. Applicants are advised to use Internet Explorer 6 or above or Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or above as web browser. Screen resolution of computer must be at least 600x800. You must have PDF reader installed on your computer as instructions for submitting the online application and other instructions are contained in the PDF file format. Before proceeding for registration of online application, applicant must ensure that pop-up blockers on the system is disabled and Script Blockers are uninstalled.

Before you can submit the online application, you must pay the requisite examination fee by any of the mode prescribed in the notification. Examination Fee for EAMCET can be paid by AP Online, Citizen Service Centres (CSC), e Seva or through Debit/Credit Card. Once you have made the payment then you can proceed for online registration using the transaction id generated while make the payment for fee.

For making the payment either through Debit / Credit Card or eSeva, CSC, AP Online you will need the following information. This information is mandatory and you will not be able to pay your fee without the following information.

  • Hall Ticket Number of Qualifying Examination i.e. IPE/CBSE/ICSE etc.

  • Name of the Applicant

  • Applicant's Father Name

  • Date of Birth (DoB)

  • Hall Ticket Number of SSC i.e. 10th class

  • Your Mobile Number

  • Steam for which you are applying i.e. (i) Engineering (E) or Agriculture & Medical (AM) or Both (E&AM)

Once you have paid the application fee then you can proceed for the online registration by visiting the official website of APEAMCET 2012. Those who wish to apply for the entrance examination they must read the necessary instructions available on the website for fee payment and online registration. You can download the user guide and read it before proceeding further for online registration and fee payment. A detailed and illustrative instruction has been issued by the APSCHE. Candidates applying for the entrance test must keep a copy of online application form printout and submit it to the invigilator at the time of appearing in test without fail.

Results & Rank Card

After conducting the examination, results is announced on the website. Rank Card and Score related information can be downloaded from the website after declaration of the results. Counselling Schedule and other information necessary for admission will be available on the website after declaration of result.

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