Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Joint CSIR UGC NET June 2012 Admit Card

Admit Card  for CSIR UGC NET -June 2012 Exam

 Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Human Resource Development Group (CSIRHRDG) has invited the application for recruitment for National Eligibility Test (NET). This test is conducted by CSIR & UGC for award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) & Eligibility for Lecturership. Candidates desirous of applying against the current examination to be held in the month of June 2012 they can apply online or offline. Those who wants to apply by post they can obtain the application from up to 20 March 2012. Sale of application form is done through the designated bank branches. List of bank branches where application form are sold can be downloaded from the website of CSIRHRDG. Those who wish to apply online they must visit the CSIRHRDG website for submission of online application. Online registration can be down up to 21 March 2012. Candidates applying online must deposit the fee as prescribed and read the instructions carefully before submission of online application. Candidates will be required to register and login before submission of online, for this process applicant will need a valid email id through which confirmation link will be sent for login and online registration. Application form can be purchased from the designated branches of Indian Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce. 
Registered Candidates Status Online : CSIRHRDG has uploaded the list of candidates who have been registered for taking the CISR UCG NET June 2012 examination which is scheduled to be held on 17 June 2012. If any candidates does not find the name in the list published on the website then such candidates can contact the Examination Unit from 15 May - 21 May 2012 along with Proof of Dispatch of application form and photo copy of application form. Admit card to all eligibility candidates will be sent by post. If any candidates does not receive the admit card on time then such candidates can download the hall ticket from the website as the same will be made available online from 11 June 2012. 

CSIR UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) June 2012
  • Mode of Application : Online & Offline
  • Last Date for Registration : Offline : 20 March 2012, Online : 21 March 2012
  • Date of Written Test : 17 June 2012
  • Display of Registered candidates on website : 15 May 2012
  • Start of Sending Admit Card : From 1st Week of May 2012
CSIR UGC NET will be held in the following five subjects which are as given under.
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Earth Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences
Age Limit : 19 - 28 Years for JRF while for Lecturership lower age limit is 19 years and there is no upper age limit.

Education Qualification : Candidates applying for the CSIR-UGC NET 2012 examination they must have secured at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) in MSc or equivalent examination. Candidates appearing the final semester of PG Degree can also apply. For details in this regard candidates can refer the CISR HRDG website.

Advertisement : http://csirhrdg.res.in

Online Application :

Scheme of Examination

There will be single Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) paper carrying a maximum marks of 200 and it will be of three hours duration. Written Examination will be held at 26 centres across the country.

Syllabus and Centre of examination list can be downloaded by visiting the official website of CSIRHRG.

Admit Card/Hall Ticket for June 2012 Exam

Admission Certificate are being sent to all eligible candidates by post. Process of dispatch of admit card to all eligible candidates will begin from the first week of May 2012. In the month of May 2012 list of all registered candidates will be uploaded on the CSIRHRDG website. If any candidates wish to make representation regarding any problem in registration then it can be done latest by 21 May 2012.

Admit Card / Hall Ticket for June 2012 Examination has been uploaded by CSIRHRDG. Those who had applied against CSIR UGC NET they now can download the admit card by visiting the official website. For downloading the admit card, candidates will be required to enter the form number and date of birth for downloading the hall ticket.

CSIR UGC Admit Card : Download


CSIR - UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturership and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) will be declared in the month of August 2012. Scholarship to candidates who qualify for JRF will be admissible from 01 January 2013.


  1. Sir,

    I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET June 2011 examination. When we will be getting our admit card. please give information.

  2. sir
    ply send my admit card for net exam 19 june

  3. Sir,please send me my admit card for net exam 19 june.

  4. kirti singh s/o sri Mohan singh2 June 2011 at 23:45

    ply send my admit card for net exam 19 june

  5. Admit Card for CSIR UGC NET Exam will be uploaded soon.

  6. Admit Card will be available on CSIRHRDG website from 13 June 2011

  7. hello sir/mam
    myself rajavikram i have applied for csir June 2011 i have applied by online and my application no. is 11J646903, till now i didnt get hall ticket. so please kindly check the details and let me know.

  8. hello sir/mam
    myself rajavikram i have applied for csir June 2011 i have applied by online and my application no. is 11J646903, till now i didnt get hall ticket. so please kindly check the details and let me know.

  9. Sir,
    Myself Ruma Raghuvanshi i have applied for joint csir ugc net going to held on 19 june 2011. I have applied online but have lost my application form number, still didnt get my admit card. I have applied for Life sciences and have filled Udaipur as my centre , my date of birth is 13 jan 1988. By using these details can you please send my admit card or tel me some other alternative.

  10. Sir,

    I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET June 2011 examination. When we will be getting our admit card. Please send the procedure of obtaining admit card from online.

  11. helo sir!
    i havn't got my admit card till kw...plz revert soon

  12. sir/madam

    i have applied for the CSIR NET June 2011 examination. But i have not recieved my hall ticket. plz let me knew wen i will get my hall ticket.

  13. Pls send me my admit card for 19 june 2011.

  14. Myself Jisha.p.I i have applied for joint csir ugc net going to held on 19 june 2011. I have applied by bank & post but have lost my application form number, still didnt get my admit card. I have applied for Physical sciences and have filled Thiruvanathapuram as my centre , my date of birth is 30 january 1977. By using these details can you please send my admit card or send to my email address or tel me some other alternative.

  15. SIR, i hav"nt got my admit card till now. so please kindly send my admit card.

  16. deepanjali purshttam11 June 2011 at 16:06

    I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET June 2011 examination. When we will be getting our admit card. Please send the procedure of obtaining admit card from online.

  17. I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET June 2011 examination. When we will be getting our admit card. Please send the procedure of obtaining admit card from online.


  18. Shivangi shrivastava11 June 2011 at 17:06

    My self Shivangi Shrivastava. I have applied for joint csir ugc net to held on 19 2011, I have applied by bank & post.But have nat get my admit card till date. Ihave aplied for Physical Science and have filed Raipur as my center. My form no. is 624420. So please soon send my admit card.

  19. Tentative date for uploading the admit card on the CSIRHRDG website is 13 June 2011.

  20. Dharmaraj nagar12 June 2011 at 00:29

    Sir i am registered candidate for CSIR NET Examination jun 2011.Still i didn't get my hall ticket. When we will be getting our hall ticket. Please send the procedure of obtaining admit card from online.

  21. smriti kushwaha12 June 2011 at 06:54

    Pls send me my admit card for 19 june 2011.

  22. Kanchan Bala Rai12 June 2011 at 17:06

    Pls send me my admit card for 19 june 2011.

  23. KAMLESH KUMAR CHOURASE12 June 2011 at 18:52

    I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET June 2011 examination. When we will be getting our admit card. please give information.

  24. vandana bhandari12 June 2011 at 22:59

    My self vandana Bhandari. I have applied for joint csir ugc net to held on 19 2011, I have applied by bank & post.But have not get my admit card till date. I have aplied for Physical Science and have filled chandigarh as my center. My form no. is 684464. So please soon send my admit card.

  25. i am ramarao i am not received my csir ugc net hall ticket how to get it

  26. karunesh kumar13 June 2011 at 01:23

    pz. send my admit card.

  27. Tomorrow onward you can download the hall ticket

  28. pz.send myadmit card

  29. i am a registerd candidate

  30. i am aregisterd candidate and hav'nt yet received my admit card for csir ugc net june2011

  31. Sir,i have aplied for net 19-2011 but till now i did not get my admit card my application no is 622926 so please send my admit card.

  32. sir/madam

    i have applied for the CSIR NET June 2011 examination. But i have not recieved my hall ticket. plz let me knew wen i will get my hall ticket.

  33. i have applied for the CSIR NET June 2011 examination. But i have not recieved my hall ticket. plz let me knew wen i will get my hall ticket

  34. Send my admit card my apl.no 622926

  35. im requested plz send my admit card

  36. sir, i have not received my admit card till now sir please send my admit card of CSIR NET 19 june 2011examination admit card because sir unfortunately i forget my application form no. or sir please tell me what to do next for getting admit card.I will be highly kind of you.

  37. Digambar N. Ware13 June 2011 at 20:18

    Dear Sir,

    till date i have not received my HALL TICKET. My online application number is 11J679806. plz let me knew when i will get my hall ticket.

  38. aalmin siddique13 June 2011 at 20:37

    sir i hv not yet recieved my admit card of net june exam helding on 19 june 2011 my app. No is 641195 mathematical science
    sir plz send my admit card on my e_mail address

  39. sir I have not received my admit card for june 19th NET exam.
    Sir plz let me knew when i will get my hall ticket.

  40. goddu sujan chandar13 June 2011 at 22:01

    i didn't get my admit card for the csir net exam june 19th 2011, and how to down load my admit card..my application no.697997

  41. pushpraj singh patel14 June 2011 at 20:41

    Pushpraj singh patel

    Respected sir/madam

    Please you send my admit card my sub. is life science and 19 jun 2011. application No. 702910 . sorry I don't recieved my admit card.

  42. priyanka tripathi16 June 2011 at 00:40

    sir i didnt get my admit card

  43. sir,
    i have send my application on 13/05/2011.i have not yet recieved my admit card,exam date will soon,so kindly send my admit card

  44. Sir,plz send me my admit card

  45. application no. 706645 plz get me hall ticket

  46. Respected sir/mam
    Please send my admit card, my apli. no. is 11j649785


  47. Respected sir/mam
    Please send my admit card, my apli. no. is 11j649785

  48. sir,
    i belong from remote area of arunachal pradesh state, till today i havent recieved my admid card, i even tried to download it from net bt m unable to do so, so please kindly helf me.

  49. Rambabu Danavena17 June 2011 at 23:47

    Dear sir,
    My name is Danavena Rambabu.I applied for csir 2011 in online. I lose my application number. My date of birth is 01-11-1984 and my examination center is at Hyderabad, center code is 11. And my college code is 109. I did not receive the hall ticket so far.How should i get my hall ticket.shall i expect early response from you sir.
    Thank you sir.
    Your sincerely,
    M.Sc Analytical Chemistry
    JNTU Hyderabad

  50. GIRJENDRA KUMAR18 June 2011 at 01:36

    i have not recived my admitcard.show it.

  51. alka shakya

    plz send me my admit card

  52. Sir I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET June 2011 examination I have lost my admit card so i can not check my result. I have aplied for life science. my birthdate 05-07-86 and my app. no.646921.my father name Mr Harendra kumar.
    So please soon send my duplicate admit card

  53. sir plz send my admit card to my id

  54. bhopendra inakhiya12 August 2011 at 14:31

    respected sir,
    i have selected for net(ls) held on 19-06-2011.for verify my document i have to send my admit card but i have loss my admit card and photocopy of my application form. please help me and send my admit card.my dob is 01-03-1981. my roll no is 206237. my examination center was in udaipur.
    your faithfully
    bhopendra inakhiya
    a-7, inakhiya colony, v/p chandhan
    distt. jaisalmer

  55. wen i get my admit card

  56. respected sir,
    Today evening i received a phone call from no.919026216920 regarding my form .Sir , i could not attend that call properly becuz of some thechnical problem there. my form no is 696247,name geetanjali ,from punjab(distt gurdaspur) and examination centre is chandigarh.subject is life sciences.
    sir , plz send me my admit card

  57. sir,
    i have applied for 18th-dec-2011, i did not received admit card till now, let me know what i have to do.

    Thanks in advance.

  58. sir,
    i have applied for 18th-dec-2011, i did not received admit card till now, let me know what i have to do.

  59. sir,
    i did not got my hall ticket for csir net exam. so plz inform me about it.

  60. Deshmukh Ajit Anilrao11 November 2011 at 23:40

    admit card

  61. Deshmukh Ajit Anilrao11 November 2011 at 23:40

    hall tikit

  62. sir,,
    i want to know last date of applying net (life science) application form on line..i deposite bank chaalaan,,,,sir plzz tell me urgently ,,send me anw on my mail id

  63. cordialy thank you sir . please send me sir date of the exam like csir. net.ucg.

  64. good mornig sir , i am qualifid M.sc in microbiology . please send me sir exam date like csir,net,ucg.i have to zealus to attem to exam

  65. sir.pls give me the details of my admit card.

  66. Dear sir/madam,
    I have applied for the CSIR NET December 2011 examination which is held 18th December 2011. But i have not recieved my hall ticket. My application form no. is 630063 and i have opted life science as my subject so please let me knew wen i will get my hall ticket.

  67. yesilanka gangadhar23 November 2011 at 23:34

    sir i didnot get my hallticket for csir net exam so pls check sir

  68. sir,
    i have applied for 18th-dec-2011, i did not received admit card till now, let me know what i have to do

  69. sir,
    i have applied for 18th-dec-2011 net exam, i did not received admit card till now, let me know what i have to do

  70. yes i got my hallticket
    thank you

  71. sir,
    i have applied for 18th-dec-2011 CSIR exam, i did not received admit card till now, let me know what i have to do.My application no:609186

  72. shaik bhasheed ahmed27 November 2011 at 02:55

    i have applied for 18th-dec-2011 net exam, i did not received admit card till now, let me know what i have to do

  73. B SIVA RANGA PRASAD27 November 2011 at 16:03


  74. please mail the hall ticket for the application form no.687207

  75. I Kindly suggest The CSIR-NET exam conducting unit to include the application number or form number automatically on the challan as that is the copy we have with us. GATE has a provision of filling up an automatic application form copy for the candidate, so that application no. will always remain with them for future reference. There is even no email notification for reference.

  76. I need to know my application number. Applied for CSIR-NET Dec 2011. exam code LS and exam centre code 20. DOB: 07/04/1988. Name: Sneha Anil Deshpande
    Thank you..

  77. Sir i have applied the for net 2011 dec exam but i applied online i have no idea how to get my admit card my Form No 11D601548 please send me the my admit card on my email id ..
    Thanks In advance

  78. Sir, I have lost my application no. please help me to get my admit card for net exam held on dec 18 2011

  79. I have applied for the CSIRNET december 2011 examination which is held 18th december 2011. But i have not received my hall ticket. My application form no 630105 and i have opted life science as my subject so please let me knew when i get my hall ticket.

  80. how to get my hall ticket by online if it not reached by post

  81. Dear sir/madam,
    I have applied for the CSIR NET December 2011 examination which is held 18th December 2011. But i have not recieved my hall ticket. My application form number is 62669. so please let me know when i will get my hall ticket.

  82. Navin suryawanshi28 November 2011 at 20:50

    sir please send me my CSIR-NET Exame admit card

  83. sir,
    please send me the hall ticket my application no. is 657578.

    thank you sir,

  84. my roll number

  85. Respected sir, I have registered CSIR NET December 2011. please telme when will available admit cards in online. please send me my admit card.

  86. Sir/Mam,

    I have applied for CSIR 2011. I haven't recieved my admit card yet... Pls lemme know when shall i get t...

  87. im not recieve my hall ticket.When we will be getting our admit card. please give information.my app no is 11D667482

  88. I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET December 2011 examination and my application no. is 11D613398. When we will be getting our admit card. please give information.

  89. anindita mukherjee1 December 2011 at 00:04

    Respected Sir,
    I have applied for the CSIR NET December 2011 examination which is held 18th December 2011. But i have not recieved my hall ticket . so please let me know when i will get my hall ticket.

  90. sir please kindly send me my CSIR-NET exam admit card.

  91. hi sir,
    i did not get my CSIR hallticket.I applied through bank...this is my application no :646656...so please send my hallticket in my mail id...

  92. Gayatri Vishwkarma1 December 2011 at 19:10

    Sir, Plz send my Hall ticket

  93. Sir,
    i have applied for the net exam dec 18 2011,i had paid fees through the bank.But i still not received the admit card,please help me.

  94. Navin suryawanshi2 December 2011 at 17:36

    I am Navin suryawanshi. I am Registered student of CSIR-NET December-2011 my application -No-650924 and my exame center is pune (20). i still not received the admit card.so please sir send me my admit card.

  95. i have registered my name for appearing net exam 2011,jrf life science going to be held on december 18 2011,can u plz inform me when will i recieve my hall ticket and the process to download hallticket from net if not received in time

  96. sir i havn't recevid my admit card

  97. sir,
    I am Kokila K B. I am Registered Candidate of CSIR-NET December-2011 my application -No-11D617855 and my exame center is Chennai. i still not received the Hall Ticket.When will i get my hall ticket....

  98. plz send my admit card information

  99. Sir,

    I have applied for Life Science JOINT CSIR UGC NET exam held on Dec'18,2011.
    But I have not received my hall-ticket. Plz let me knew when i will get my hall ticket.
    So plz send my hall ticket my mail id as early as possible
    thanking your sir,

  100. sir
    I have applied for net dec. 2011 exam . i have not got my hall ticket .please send my hall ticket as soon as possible .

  101. plz send my admit card. its urgent

  102. sir,
    becky from mizoram, when we will be able to get our admit card...exam quite near

  103. Sir, i havn't got my admit card. Plz dispatch it as soon as possible. Ranjana kumari h.p

  104. MALLAPPA K NANDESHWAR6 December 2011 at 05:12

    Dear sir,
    I have applied for the Chemical science JOINT CSIR UGC NET exam will be held on Dec’18,2011. But still I have not received my hall-ticket. Pl let me know when i will get my hall ticket. If possible pl send my hall ticket my E-mail id nandeshwar.mk@adityabirla.com/nandish_gopi@yahoo.com. as early as possible. waiting for ur positive response sir.

  105. sir,
    i have applied for 18th-dec-2011, i did not received admit card till now, let me know what i have to do. Form No 688435

    Subject : LIFE SCIENCE
    Center Code 25

  106. i am a registered Candidate of CSIR net Dec 2011 for Chemical Science my application number is 628151. i dnt get my hall ticket till now please send my hall ticket as soon as possible it too urgent.

  107. sir my form no is 724073..applied for chemical science ugc exam not received roll no yet ..guide me what to do next week is my exam....

  108. sir
    I have applied for net dec. 2011 exam . i have not got my hall ticket .please send my hall ticket as soon as possible .

  109. Sir, Plz send my Hall ticket

  110. res.sir,

    i am a registered Candidate of CSIR net 18 Dec 2011 for life science my application number is 657578. i dnt get my hall ticket till now please send my hall ticket as soon as possible it too urgent sir.

  111. Actually I applied for CSIR-NET dec 2011 but problem is I lost my prospectus of NETand photo copy of NET application form in one accident ,so kindly tell me a solution if i didnot get original admit card by post which already being sent by examination board or if i want to download admit card via official website of NET CSIR without knowing application form number.

  112. sir,
    i am registered candidate of csir net 18 dec 2011 for life science ,appli. form no 658670.i did not get my admit card so plz send as soon as posible it to urgent.

  113. i havn't received my admit card till date

  114. manish shrivastava8 December 2011 at 00:14


    I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET June 2011 examination. When we will be getting our admit card. please give information.

  115. When i get my csir net admit card,2011

  116. I am a registered Candidate of CSIR NET 18 Dec 2011 for MATHEMATICAL science my application number is 635587 i dnt get my hall ticket till now please send my hall ticket as soon as possible it too urgent sir.

  117. I have't received m
    y admit card of csir ugc net exam dec2011.can you plz send my admit card as soon as possible.my application no.621595

  118. koushik chowdhury9 December 2011 at 00:32

    I have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011, please send my admit card.

  119. y nagendra reddy9 December 2011 at 16:25

    god morning

  120. sanjay kumar bharti9 December 2011 at 17:30

    I am a registered Candidate of CSIR NET 18 Dec 2011 for LIFE science my application number is 656094 i dnt get my hall ticket till now please send my hall ticket as soon as possible it too urgent sir.

  121. Hello sir,,,, still im not getting my csir ugc admitt card 2011... my application number is 630181..send me soon my admitt card to email...

  122. my adit is not reach my address plz tell me how can i download from ur web site

  123. sir,
    i havent received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011. can u plz send it as soon as possible . i have applied for chemical sciences appl no.11D605419

  124. shelke Uddhav Bhagwanrao10 December 2011 at 01:07

    sir I have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011, please send my admit card.my name and birthdate is shelke uddhav bhagwanrao 1/11/1985

  125. sir,
    I have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011,

  126. i am registered candidate of csir net 18 dec 2011 for chemical science .i have also not got my hall ticket form no. 671292 pl do some needful

  127. .i have also not got my hall ticket form no. 671292.i am registered candidate of csir net 18 dec 2011 for chemical science pl do some needful

  128. Abhilash Kumar Verma10 December 2011 at 04:17

    i am registered candidate of csir net (JRF+LS)18 dec 2011 for Chemical Science ,appli. form no 11D641620.i did not get my admit card so plz send as soon as posible it to urgent.

  129. sir i have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011 please send me my admit card my name namneet kaur DOB 14 OCT 1987

  130. sir i have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011 please send me my admit card my name namneet kaur DOB 14 OCT 1987

  131. sir,
    i am registered candidate of csir net (LS)18 dec 2011 for Chemical Science ,appli. form no 11D615677.i did not get my admit card so plz send as soon as posible it to urgent.
    date of birth 23-01-1980.

  132. I did not receive my hall ticket yet... Do I need to download it ? If its so, how to download? plz do inform

  133. my application no. is 11D637760.. thnx

  134. DEAR SIR..i stil not get my admiy card for 18 dec net

  135. farooq ahmad najar11 December 2011 at 15:41

    sir, i am a registered candidate for dec 2011 csir net.i hv not still recieved my admit card.when will i recieve my admit card and when these will be uploaded on website.thank u.

  136. my name is swati mishra i have applied for the joint csir ugc.net dec.2011i have lost my application form no.and i didnt got my admit card yet.pls help me to get my admit card.pls send me details on my email id.date of birth-23-08-1988.chalans no.j-2594295.2069010

  137. Dear sir....... I still not get my admit card for 18th Dec. 2011 net exam. Please send my admit card through my email. My FROM NO. is 662625, and my date of birth is 25/11/1987.. Please...

  138. My name is SHELKE UDDHAV BHAGWANRAO I have applied for the joint csir NET dec-2011 I have lost my application form no. and didnot got my admit card.yet please help me to get my admit card.please send me detail on my email.id.date of birth 1/11/1985 My contact no is +919975617558

  139. sanjay kumar bharti11 December 2011 at 20:00

    i am registered candidate of csir net (LS)18 dec 2011 for LifeScience ,appli. form no 656094.i did not get my admit card so plz send as soon as posible it to urgent.
    date of birth 09-03-1976

  140. I am a sushil,a registered candidate for CSIR NET Dec 2011 examination. When we will be getting our admit card. please give information. on my mail,

  141. sir pls send csir hallticket to my mail id.

    thanking you

  142. My application number is 11D625617 I do not have my admit card 18 december csir-net exam so please send my admit card on my e-mail id My e-mail id is skhade903@gmail.com
    Manisha khade, subject- Earth Science.
    Birth date- 20-12-1985.

  143. Dear sir,
    I have applied for the Life Sciences JOINT CSIR UGC NET exam will be held on Dec’18,2011. My application form number is 636957 But still I have not received my hall-ticket. Pl let me know when i will get my hall ticket. If possible pl send my hall ticket to my E-mail id millermdu@gmail.com. as early as possible. waiting for ur positive response sir.

  144. Annie Shanan Jacob12 December 2011 at 15:57

    i am registered candidate of csir net (LS)18 dec 2011 for LifeScience ,application form no 735262 .i did not get my admit card so plz send as soon as posible it to urgent.
    date of birth19-01-1989

  145. sir I have not received my admit card for csir exam 18th dec 2011, please send my admit card in my mail id

  146. sir i have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011 please send me my admit card my name manjusha.n DOB 17 july1989
    waiting for ur positive response sir......
    this is my e-mail address........

  147. i have lost my application number and havent recieved the roll number yet
    my date of birth s 19december , 1987 and have applied for chemical sciences. please help me out how to get my hall ticket.

  148. Sir,iam a registered candidate of csir ugc net 18 dec. 2011 exam bearing form no. 750564. i have not recieved my hall ticket/admit card yet. Please kindly inform/send it at the earliest time.

    with regards

  149. Dear sir I have not received my admit card for Dec exam 2011 my date of birth 9nov. 1989
    my name is Manisha Rawat

  150. Dear sir,
    i am vasu dhanavath D.O.B 10-04-1987, I am applied for csir (chemical sience,chemistry), i did not get hallticket.my appication number 878603. plz send me hallticket my my email id (vasudhanavath@gmail.com)

  151. ashvini naik desai13 December 2011 at 01:27

    sir i have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011 please send me my admit card my name Ashvini Naik Desai DOB 14 feb1989
    waiting for ur positive response sir……
    this is my e-mail address……..

  152. sir i have not rechived my hall ticket/admit card for net exam dec 2011 please send me my 'I' card immjetely, thanks.

  153. admit card not recieved


    plz check out the above site inorder to get duplicate copy of your admit card..
    take two print out of it “instructions are already printed in it” plz go through…


    plz check out the above site inorder to get duplicate copy of your admit card..
    take two print out of it "instructions are already printed in it" plz go through...

  156. sir,
    i have not received my admit card yet. I have registered for CSIR NET 2011 in CHEMICAL SCIENCES. Plz mail my admit card. NAME: MOHD ATIF IMROZ s/o MOHD IQBAL KHAN, DOB;11/05/1989

  157. sneha priya reddy15 December 2011 at 03:55

    i have lost my application form n i dont know the number.i didnt receive my admit card yet.can you please help me in this regard?

  158. sir iam k.geetha bai sir idid not receive my hallticket for csir exam held on december 18 i have lost my application no i dont no what to do sir please send my admit card sir if you send i can write the exam .please sir my date of birth 04/04/1990,my father name k.r balu naik ihave applied for lifesciences category :st my email id :geethakimavath@gmail.com my phone no 7386192818

  159. sir i forget my application number. how can i download my admit card. please inform.

  160. sir/mam
    I am K.Pravalika sir idid n't received my csir hall ticket - 2011.So help me.My application no.11D621414

  161. sir myself SUDHA.A and my date of birth is 03.02.1982 and applied for NET-DEC2011. I received the hall ticket unfortunately i lost it.center name is karaikudi CECRI Open amphitheater (phy.sci) and my roll no alloted is 515141.please suggest me an idea at the earliest.

  162. sir,
    I have not received my admit card for csir exam dec 2011, please send my admit card.
    My name and birthdate is Ponnada Ramya, 18, April 2011.
    My Application form number is 626503 and i have applied for chemical sciences through bank.
    My subject centre code name is Guntur and number 09.
    I tried to download my admit card through website, but its saying form no or date of birth is wrong.
    They are correct only, sir. What i could do now. How could i attend the exam. exam is on tomorrow.

  163. sir i haven't recived my admit card

  164. ashok prakash gautam22 December 2011 at 02:53

    i have lost my form num. My Roll No. 34170311.
    plz send me, my admit card on my mail.
    mail id--gautamashok6@gmail.com

  165. i don't remember my my exam seat no.plz send me my seat no.,my form no. is 670973

  166. Sir I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET December 2011 examination,I have lost my admit card so i can not check my result. I have aplied for life science. my birthdate 03-03-86 and my app. no.643992.my father name Mr Prabhat Soni .
    So please soon send my duplicate admit card.

  167. Sir I am a registered candidate for CSIR NET dec 2011 examination I have lost my admit card so i can not check my result. I have aplied for life science. my birthdate 017-05-85 and my app. no.723508.my father name Mr Mahavir singh .
    So please soon send my duplicate admit card

  168. KANIKA MUKESH AGARWAL11 March 2012 at 05:28

    Dear Sir,
    I successfully submitted an online application form but due to some technical faults, my PC was off the internet connection, due to which i could not note down my application no. My application details are as follows- Name- KANIKA MUKESH AGARWAL, subject- CHEMICAL SCIENCES, Category- GEN, PH (Physically Handicapped). Can you please help me locate my application no, I need it at the soonest as i have to post my application to the head office in Delhi! Please Help!

  169. sir, i have done m com with 60%. can i eligible for csir net.

  170. You can apply for UGC NET not CSIR NET

  171. Exam is over baby

  172. hi, i appeared for csir-ugc net on 18th dec 2011. i checked results on the the website http://csirhrdg.res.in/results.htm. it has displayed my roll no. under lecturership (NET) with a rank of 49. i am doubtful about the results cause i applied for JRF in the application form. please tell me whether i have cleared the exam for LS or is it someone elses roll no..?? it will be great if i recieve the reply asap as i have to forward my docs to the concerned authority for doc verification. Thank You.

  173. i am net exam quilified 19 jun 2011 so please soon send my markseet my roll no.200298
    post my add. govt st.boys hostal room no.06 66 shubhash nagar ujjain

  174. Dear deepika you will get your hall ticket first week of May 2012

    all the best

  175. I am a registered candidate of csir net 2012,i have forgotten my application no.
    please send my application no.
    my date of birth 10/12/1983

  176. Sir, i want to know about negative marking & i don't get no conformation of online form summision plz tel me

  177. sir i am neelima joshi. i am a registered candidate for csir-net 2012. i submitted my application form. at last year, in csir-net dec2011, i submitted my form but i didn't get my admit card because my application was rejected and i get this information before 3days of exam. so now i want to know that i am registered or not for csir-net 2012,june. please tell me "how are i seen that i am registered or not.

  178. how to get roll number, if we apply for net june 2012 through offline mode

  179. Sir, i am janani. i have applied for csir net exam 2012. but i lost my application number. So please tell me how can i get my application number

  180. sir please give the detail information about my i card

  181. Sir,
    I, Nigarish fatema Khan beg to state that i lost my application form no and i forgot to take the copy of the application form.In case if my registration is not done the what will be the way to get the admit card for the exam to be held on 17 june? My date of birth is 2 july 1988. I expect the earliest reply from you..

  182. Sir Please send my admit card

  183. hi i am also applied for june 2012 but have not received my admit card yet. so, plz anyone have some idea about it then plz knock me.....!!!!!!!!!!!

  184. SIR, I DEEPIKA JONWAL have lost my application form no. i had submitted my form online and i,m not getting my admit card.plz help me,waiting for ur positive responce.my date of birth is 23-1-1988.email id is djonwal88@gmail.com

  185. hi i am also applied for june 2012 but have not received my admit card yet. so, plz anyone have some idea about it then plz knock me..at umesh.chandra142@gmail.com or mob.- 09811099195

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