Sunday, 20 November 2011

BSSC Patna Admit Card Download - Combined Graduate Level Examination

How to Download Admit Card for BSSC Patna CGLE (Preliminary) 2010 Examination

Bihar Staff Selection Commission had invited the application for recruitment to various posts vide advertisement no. 110/2010. Recruitment to various posts by BSSC Patna is to be made through Combined Graduate Level Examination 2010. Those who had applied in response to the above said advertisement no. their admit card are being sent by the commission to all the eligible candidates. Those who do not receive the admit card they can download the admit card from the official website of BSSC Patna by visiting the links given below.

Combined Graduate Level Examination (Pre) 2010 to be conducted by Bihar Staff Selection Commission Patna on 18 December 2011 they can download the hall ticket by visiting the official website link given below.

Website : or

If any candidates finds any discrepancy in the admit card they can approach as per the schedule available on the BSSC website for making the necessary correction.

If any candidate had submitted more than one application and has received more than one admit card they must return admit card exceeding one to the commissions office latest by 10 December 2011.


  1. RANJEET KUMAR SINHA6 December 2011 at 19:22

    Bssc for Gradutate lavel 2nd grade, so i request to u that my admit card [duplicate] send on my email id.

    I am unable to open admit card.
    Name - Ranjeet Kumar Sinha
    D.O.B -06/11/1976
    father's Name - Late prem Kumar sinha
    Cat- Gen,

  2. Bssc for Gradutate lavel 2nd grade, so i request to u that my admit card [duplicate] send on my email id.I am unable to open admit card.

  3. Bssc for Gradutate lavel 2nd grade, so i request to u that my admit card [duplicate] send on my email id.

    I am unable to open admit card.

  4. chandan kumar . DOB 22-03-1986.ple send my duplicate admitcard.

  5. Brij Mohan Prasad12 December 2011 at 18:42

    Date of Birth 15-11-1978 S/o Shri Yadu Prasad

    Please sent my duplicate admitcard on my email. id

    Email :-

  6. RAM NARESH PRASAD S/O BHUNESHWAR PRASAD D.O.B-01/02/198614 December 2011 at 01:56

    plz. send my duplicate admitcard on my

  7. Md.Sayeedur Rahman14 December 2011 at 16:05

    sir I have not got the admit card for the irrigation exams so pls forward immediately

  8. pankaj kumar dubey14 December 2011 at 19:14

    sir pls find and send my admit card of sachiwalaya sahayak.

    name Pankaj kumar dubey
    s/o paramhansh dubey
    DOB 26/06/1981

  9. hi ,,,,,
    i can't open my admit card and my exam is on sunday so please send my admit card in my mail

    Name-jaydeo mandal

    Jaydeo Mandal

  10. Dear sir
    i cant able to download my admitcard. please sent it on my email i.e. on
    sir please please and pleaser
    alok kumar
    date of birth- 31 dec. 1978
    father's name- sri haridwar prasad sinha

  11. parmanand prasad13 April 2012 at 00:54

    bssc for graduate level 2nd , so i requested to u tha my admit card (duplicate) send to my email id
    i am unable to open admit card
    name parmanand prasad
    d .o. b 5 oct 1980
    cat mbc
    kindly do the needfull on urgent basis
    thanks and regard
    parmanand prasad
    contact 8757306006

  12. bssc for graduate level pre. exam, so i requested to u tha my admit card (duplicate) send to my email id
    i am unable to open admit card
    Name .Niraj kumar
    d .o. b 5 May 1978
    cat GEN
    kindly do the needfull on urgent basis
    thanks and regards
    contact 9386997745

  13. Chitralekha Anshu17 April 2012 at 17:22

    Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) Admit Card 2012 notification is published for Combined Graduate Level (PT) Prelims (Pre) Exam at
    so i request to u that my admit card [duplicate] send on my email id.I am unable to open admit card.
    Name – Chitra lekha Anshu D.O.B -15/03/1986
    father’s Name – Amarnath jha Cat- Gen

  14. sir, my name is nishant kumar and my bssc combined level admit card is date of birth is sir kindly send my roll no in my email ie, this kindness iwill always obliged to you

  15. respected sir,
    i am unable to open my bssc cgl admit card please send it to my mail {}
    my self ,anuj kumar,s/o -shri binod kumar
    dob- 23-12-1986 cat-obc

  16. I want my duplicate admit card on my e mail id
    rajeev ranjan
    adv no.- 110/2010,cgl-pt exam on 18-12-2011
    d.o.b- 15/03/1974,centre- jahanabad
    e mail id -

  17. Sir i have forgot my roll no.kindly send urgently.
    Name:- Taufeeq Ahmad
    Father’s Name:- Motiur Rahman
    DON:0-Taufeeq Ahmad
