Saturday, 2 July 2011

Muthoot Group Recruitment in 2011 for 2000 Probationary Officer

Muthoot Finance Ltd Recruitment 2011

Muthoot Finance Ltd a Muthoot Group of Company has invited the application for recruitment to 2000 posts of Probationary Officer. Selected candidates will remain on probation for a period of One Year. On successful completion of probation candidate will be appointed as Assistant Manager.

Current Vacancy advertised by Muthoot Finance Ltd exists in the state of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Goa. Selection of Candidates will be made on the basis of written test and interview. Written Test will be of Two Hour duration and it will carry Maximum Marks 200. It will comprise the following sections.
  • Numerical Ability
  • General English
  • Current Affairs & GK
  • Reasoning
  • Marketing & Computer Application

Probationary Officer
  • No. of Posts : 2000
  • Education Qualification : Graduate / Post Graduate
  • Age Limit : 25 Years
  • Mode of Selection : Written Test & Interview
  • Last Date : 15 July 2011

Muthoot Group Website :

Interested and eligible candidates can read the advertisement details and apply online from the link given above.


  1. sir,
    iam gopi please inform about when you will coducted writtentest regarding POs in our company.

  2. sir
    I want to know when moothoot group probationary officer's exam will be condected?

  3. sir when did exam for Probationary Officer requirment and when did provide the hall ticket

  4. YUSUF BASHA SHAIK1 October 2011 at 00:31

    sir i have not received the admit card.plese sent my admit card .

  5. yusuf basha shaik4 October 2011 at 16:59

    sir i have not received the admit card.please sent my admit card thourgh mail.

  6. Muthoot Group Recruitment in 2011 for 2000 Probationary Officer posts,held in october 9th,2011 in hyderabad,and mine centre at secunderabad,so i have written the exam so meanwhile am waiting for the results .
    so please help me that when our results will be back again

  7. sir
    I want to know when moothoot group probationary officer’s exam selection list will be display?

  8. dear sir,
    I have attended interview for PO post in Muthoot groups. But till now i dint get any information. Can any one tell me when will they announced the final results?
