Gujarat State Examination Board Entrance examination is scheduled on the 12 June 2011 for the TET. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming Teacher Eligibility Test can now download the Call Letter. Hall Ticket for TET has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the Gujarat TET Admit card website page.
Candidates can also contact the GSHSEB for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.
GUJ TET Call Letter :
HELLO SIR, I REGISTERED TET examination for Language Upper Primary Teacher Eng,Hin.,Guj.Sanskrit but unfortunatelly ii lose my Confirmation number but i have only application number SEB//201112/3/58152. so sir please give me confirmation number on my cellphone number 9099357555 otherwise please mail on email id
ReplyDeleteHELLO SIR, I REGISTERED TET examination for Language Upper Primary Teacher Eng,Hin.,Guj.Sanskrit but unfortunatelly ii lose my Confirmation number but i have only application number SEB//201112/3/44338. so sir please give me confirmation number on my cellphone number 9913041161 otherwise please mail on email id I WANT DOWNLOAD MY CALL LETTER BUT REQUIREMENT CONFIRMATION NUMBER. PLZZ SIR
ReplyDeleteIhave entered confirmation No. 911026070282 , but the responce is hall ticket not available. Please advice on cell no. 9712004879
ReplyDeleteIhave entered a confirmation NO 911026070282 but no hall ticket avilable. please advice on cell no. 9712004879