Tuesday, 31 May 2011

CATE Admit Card for DU

Comman Aptitude Entrance examination is scheduled on the 05 June 2011 for the admission in BA Hons English. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming entrance examination can now download the Admit card. Candidates can contact for the call letter for entrance examination at the helpline no. given below.



Candidates can also contact the Delhi University for any information related to Hall Tickets download, or duplicate admit card issues.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Haryana PMT Admit Card

PGI Rohtak PMT examination is scheduled on the 12 June 2011 for the entrance test. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming PMT examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for PMT has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the PGI Rohtak Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the PGI Rohtak for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.

Website : http://pgimsrohtak.nic.in/

WBUHS Kolkata Admit Card

WBUHS Entrance examination for WBPDMAT. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming WBPDMAT entrance examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for WBPDMAT has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the WBUHS Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the WBUHS for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.

WBPDMAT Admit Card : http://www.thewbuhs.org/Downloads/MCH_Admit%20Card.xls

WBUHS Website : http://www.thewbuhs.org/

Sunday, 29 May 2011

EdCET Hall Ticket - 2011

EdCET entrance examination is scheduled on the 04 June 2011 for the entrance test B.ed. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming B.ed entrance examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for EdCET has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for entrance examination by submitting the required information in the EdCET Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the EdCET 2011 for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.

Hall Ticket EdCET : http://www.edcet2011.com/

Friday, 27 May 2011

UGC NET Admit Card June 2011

UGC NET examination conducted twice in one year by UGC in association with various Indian Universities. UGC NET JRF examination is conducted in the month of June and December.

June 2011 UGC NET examination is scheduled on 26th June 2011 at various examination centres in Indian cities around the country.

Admit Card / Hall Ticket for June 2011 UGC NET examination will be dispatch to the eligible candidates soon by the respective UGC NET Exam Centres.

Candidates can expect the Admit cards with in next 15 to 20 days at their postal address. Those candidates who do not receive admit card for UGC NET by 20th June 2011 can contact the Registrar/Co-ordinator of their UGC-NET Centres from 21st to 24th June 2011, with the copy of Admission Card (Provisional).

Candidates looking for duplicate admit card should also bring two identical passport-size photographs duly attested by a gazetted officer.

It is also directed to the candidates that No Admission Card (Roll Number) will be issued on the day of the Test (i.e. 26th June 2011).

One can visit the official website of the UGC NET examination: http://ugcnetonline.in

Delhi CET 2011 Admit Card

Delhi Polytechnic Common Entrance Test 2011 is scheduled on the 11th June 2011. Candidates who have passed their 10th class are participating in the Delhi Combined Entrance Test Diploma Engineering courses, Diploma Pharmacy courses etc.

In Delhi CET - Admit Cards are issued along with the submission of application form in case a student deposit the form by hand along with acknowledgment receipt. Those who have applied via postal service have also been sent the admit card of Delhi CET 2011.

Delhi Polytechnic Common Entrance Test is organized by the Delhi Board of Technical Education.

CET Delhi Website : www.cetdelhi.nic.in

Candidates who have missed, lost or damaged the hall ticket / admit card can visit the following address to get duplicate admit card for the Delhi CET scheduled on 11th June 2011.

Candidates should bring the 3 photos, acknowledgment receipt, Demand Draft in favor of DKDF Delhi, photocopy of admit card and application form

Address :-

Controller, Board of Technical Education, Muni Maya Ram
Marg, Pitampura, Delhi –110088

PTET Admit Card 2011

PTET 2011 Examination is scheduled on the 5th June 2011 in Rajasthan. Pre Teachers Education Test is conducted every year in the Rajasthan for admission into various education colleges [B. Ed. courses] in Rajasthan. This year Jai Narayan Vyas University is conducting the PTET 2011 Entrance Test.

Candidates have applied by online and print format application for PTET 2011 entrance examination.

Soon, PTET 2011 Admit Card will be uploaded on the official website of the PTET. Candidates participating in the upcoming examination on 5th June would be able to download the PTET Hall tickets for 2011 examination.

Candidates who will qualify in the examination will get admission into the B.Ed. courses for session 2011 - 2012.

Candidates should visit these websites for downloading the Admit card [on availability] once the authority update the database on their website.

Official website: www.ptetjnvu.org, www.ptet2011.org, www.ptet2011.com.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

BSTC Admit Card

BSTC examination is scheduled on the 29 May 2011. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming PRE BSTC written examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for BSTC has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the BSTC Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the BSTC.org for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisment or duplicate admit card issues.

BSTC Admit Card : http://www.bstc2011.org/

Baroda Manipal School of Banking Admit Card

Baroda Manipal School of Banking examination is scheduled on the 28 May to 06 June for the online exam for admission. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming PGDBF written examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for Baroda Manipal School of Banking has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the Bank of Baroda Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the Bank of Baroda for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.

Admit Card : http://www.bankofbaroda.com/


HPTech Board Admit Card

HPTech has uploaded the admit card for PAT. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming entrance test can now download the PAT Admit card. Hall Ticket for PAT has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the HPTech Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the HPTech for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.

HPTech PAT Admit Card : http://hptechboard.com/index.php?action=card_status

Monday, 23 May 2011

IOB Admit Card

Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment examination is scheduled on the 22 May & 29 May 2011 for the posts PO & Clerk. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming PO & Clerk recruitment written examination can now download the Admit card. Hall Ticket for PO & Clerk has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the IOB Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the IOB for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.

IOB Website : http://www.iob.in/

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) Admit Card

Jharkhand Academic Council Recruitment examination is scheduled on the 29 May 2011 for the posts Assistant Teacher & Urdu Assistant Teacher. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming Assistant teacher recruitment written examination can now download the JAC Admit card. Hall Ticket for Assistant Teacher has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for written examination by submitting the required information in the JAC Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the JAC for any information related to Hall Tickets download, Recruitment advertisement or duplicate admit card issues.


UPBED Admit Card

UPBED entrance examination is scheduled on the 2nd June 2011 for the B.ed. Candidates who have applied for the upcoming B.ed entrance examination can now download the UPB.Ed Admit card. Hall Ticket for B.ed has been uploaded on the official website and candidates can download the call letter for entrance examination by submitting the required information in the MJP Rohilkhand University Admit card website page.

Candidates can also contact the MJP Rohilkhand University for any information related to Hall Tickets download, or duplicate admit card issues.

Admit Card : http://mjpru.ac.in/BEd2011/BEd2011Notice.aspx