Thursday, 19 September 2013

IBPS Office Assistant and Officer Scale-I-II-II Admit Card Exam 2013

Institute of Banking and Personnel has uploaded the admit card for various posts exams to be held by it. The institute is conducting the written test for the posts of Office Assistant and Officer Scale I, II & III in Regional Rural Bank. Examinations for these posts are scheduled to be held online. Examination will be held at various examination centers across the country.

Written Examination for the posts of Officer Scale-I, II & III is tetatively scheduled to be held on 21 & 22 September 2013. Aspirants to these posts who had applied for the posts of Scale-I, Scale-II & Scale-III Officers posts in Regional Rural Bank they can download the online examination admit card by visiting the official website of IBPS. As contained in the advertisement notification admit card for online examination will not be sent to candidates by post. Therefore all the candidates who have applied for this examination they can download the admit card from the official website of IBPS from the link given below.

Online Written Examination for the posts of Office Assistant by IBPS will be held at the centers mentioned in the advertisement notification. Tentative Schedule for online examination for the posts of Office Assistant for recruitment in various Regional Rural Banks is in the month of September and October 2013. Tentative dates for online examination for the Office Assistant are 28 & 29 September 2013 and 5&6 October 2013. Those who have applied for the Officer and Office Assistant posts for recruitment in RRBs they can download the online examination admit card from the official website of IBPS.

IBPS Official Website :